For Employees
The following links provide access to web-based services and information for employees.
Net Learning
NetLearning Portal Login.
Access to your General Mandatories “To Do” list, Recertifications and Learning Opportunities.
FAQs - How to Use Net Learning
DownloadPlease contact the Organizational Development Department for technical support, 814-375-3734.
PHH Career Website
Penn Highlands Healthcare provides residents with access to the region's best hospitals, with each facility being the largest employer in its hometown. Clinical and non-clinical positions all play a role, and every member of our team touches the lives of our patients. Our positions offer work-life balance with time to enjoy the charming aspects of the area that are often overlooked - easy commutes, friendly neighbors, and plenty of space to explore.
PHH Logo Apparel Website
Welcome to your one-stop single source for Penn Highlands customized logo apparel.
Penn Highlands Healthcare Logo Wear Mall
Penn Highlands Healthcare at Home Portal
Netsmart Homecare Physician Portal Login.